Tuesday, July 24, 2012

checking in

bah! Life got in the way of my organizing progress! LOL! I did pretty good last Monday and Tuesday. Then Wednesday my two oldest daughters and I went to the big city for N's repeat ultrasound. At her first, her little man would NOT show his face. So we stopped and got her an extra large iced mocha (which she hasn't had since before she got pregnant!) and tried again. this time the little stinker put his cord and both hands in front of his face! they tried for an hour to see his face! when he would move his hands, he would press his face up against her side and the machine cannot differentiate tissue from tissue so he looked like a big blob! we were finally able to see one chubby cheek, his nose, mouth and chin and he stuck his tongue out at us like 'Nanny nanny boo boo, you have to wait!!' we decided that since we drove 2 and a half hours, we might as well do something while we were there. B found cards in the waiting room saying "bring this into our store and get a free newborn diaper!" Well, since all 3 of us are pregnant, and there enough cards for each of us, we decided we just HAD TO GO THERE. It was only 5 minutes out of our way, and worth it for diapers worth $13 a piece! We were very impressed with the store. The mama's working there all had their babies with them. Most were wearing their babies, and their cloth diapers were hanging up to dry behind the checkout counter! HOW COOL IS THAT! We all want to work there now! Wish we could open one of those stores here! We couldn't just get our free diaper because we would feel guilty, so we each bought a one-size diaper. So cute! Then we had to go to one of our favorite restaurants to eat some yummy food before our long drive home. On Thursday, my kids' youth camp they had been at all week, was having a carry-in dinner. So, I had to go to the grocery store and get stuff for that, and spent most of the day making icecream cone cupcakes, chocolate covered pretzels, and refried bean layer salad. Friday the younger boys had the last day of their camp and the youngest girl had reservations to see a performance at the library. But in between running, I did a little work in the sewing room. Did a little bit more on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. To look at it, it almost looks worse, but that's because I dumped out all the tote bins (one at a time!) to sort through. The contents are either stacked up on the floor, or on my dining table. The stuff on the floor will need to be sorted into the sweater boxes I use for storing my fabric, either by color or fabric type. The stuff on the table is waiting for a new home. I'm giving away 3 totebins full of fabric. I had many people say they could use fabric for crafts, or charity projects, so I told them first come first serve on what I have left. It's spread out on my dining table for people to go through. It will be there until Wednesday. On Thursday I have a friend who said her mother would take whatever was left to her quilting circle. No one has shown up yet to take any, she may be getting LOTS of stuff! I think I'm losing steam! I need more motivation to finish this project! I'm getting so close and it's starting to feel good to be getting rid of stuff. It's definitely getting easier, but you get to that point where you feel like you just can't do it anymore! I have 2 hours before I have to take a few of the kids to the library for the last movie of the summer. I'll have to see what I can get done!

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